Midland Dow High School (MI.) Marketing Winner!

The Charger Shoppe knows how...

10 days Coffee Purchase Contest Boys vs. Girls


.....to Market Coffee !!

6 Month Iced & Hot Coffee Campaign


  @Charger Shoppe Posting Pictures on Twitter of Opposites -- Hot & Iced Coffee


Posting customer pictures on Instagram buying hot & iced coffee and giving a thought for the day


Posting 3 unique Signs in bathrooms, on Gym doors, and attached to Large T.V.

Sasquatch vs. Panda Beef Jerky Contest


 4 audio files of School Announcement Commercials


2 Store window displays




2 Video & Audio Commericals on YouTube

    Watch Commercial for Beef Jerky Contest Sasquatch vs. Panda (ouch!)

    Watch Commercial for Coffee Contest Iced vs. Hot


Before Marketing Campaign: (monthly) Iced Coffee Sales = $39.33 & Hot Coffee Sales: $27.50

Before Marketing Campaign: (monthly) Teriyaki BJ Sales = $34.33 & Original BJ Sales: $16.66

After Marketing Campaign: (monthly) Iced Coffee Sales = $26.00 & Hot Coffee Sales: $123.00

After Marketing Campaign: (monthly) Teriyaki BJ Sales = $76.00 &Original BJ Sales: $72.00